since our launch in December 2015:
Students Tutored
Return for more than 2 sessions
Customer Satisfaction
Our tutors' standards are set by a higher authority.
All of our tutors meet these minimum requirements:
- Minimum 300 hours of in-classroom experience
- Baccalaureate or higher degree from a regionally-accredited college or university
- Additional Credential Program classes totaling 45 units or 3 semesters
- Pass a teaching skills test – such as the California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) or the California Subject Examinations for Teachers (CSET)
source: State of California Commission on Teacher Credentialing [National Board Certification Requirements]
My Credentialed Teacher's
High-Quality Assurance & Satisfaction Guarantee
My Credentialed Teacher prides itself on listing teachers of the highest quality as tutors.
Our screening process includes confirming that the teacher:
- Is employed as a classroom teacher
- Is credentialed by the state [verify a teacher's credentials]
- Has passed all district required medical examinations
- Has passed the DOJ and FBI background check
High-quality assurance is based on parent and student surveys of teachers.
- Teachers who meet and exceed expectations continue to be listed on our website.
- Teachers who do not meet expectations are given the opportunity to explain the circumstances. My Credentialed Teacher then determines whether they are removed from our website.
Satisfaction Guarantee
If you're ever dissatisfied, contact us and My Credentialed Teacher will match your child with another teacher or compensate you.
How do you choose my child's tutor?
Our software algorithm filters and compares your child's data with our teachers' data to find the most suitable match. If there is ever an error in our algorithm, please let us know so we can adjust our software and match your child with a more suitable teacher.
Can I choose my child's teacher?
Usually not because we don't want our teachers competing with one another. We have created an equitable system based on the idea that our teachers are of the the highest quality and have your child's academic improvement as a priority. Most teacher bios are marketing blurbs that don't necessary reflect the abilities of the teacher.
Our organization stands by each of its teachers and offers a "Satisfaction Guarantee" to students and their families.
If you have a specific requirements, please submit a teacher request and we can share teachers' profiles if needed.